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Tampilkan postingan dengan label East Javanese cuisine. Tampilkan semua postingan

Resep masakan Nasi krawu (worldcuisineinfo)

  Di Jawa Timur tepatnya di kota gresik terdapat Resep masakan Nasi krawu (worldcuisineinfo) yang terkenal akan kelezatannya.Resep masakan yang bercampur daging ini memang banyak dijual dikota gresik dan menjadi andalan kota ini
  Nasi krawu merupakan makanan khas dari daerah Gresik, Jawa Timur. Cirinya adalah nasinya yang pulen dan disajikan dengan daun pisang. Lauknya dapat berupa sayatan daging sapi, semur daging, jeroan sapi, sambal terasi dan serundeng.
  Dan pada kesempatan ini mari kita bahas cara membuat Resep masakan Nasi krawu (worldcuisineinfo)  
  •     500 gr daging sapi, potong2 melebar setebal 1cm melawan serat
  •     500 ml air
  •     1 sdt garam
  •     2 lembar daun salam
  •     1 batang serai, memarkan
  •     200 ml santan kental
  •     ¼ butir kelapa setengah tua, parut memanjang untuk poyah coklatnya
  •     3 lembar daun jeruk purut


Soto Adalah masakan yang sudah tidak asing bagi telinga kita beberapa daerah pasti mempunyai ciri khas
misal soto madura , soto lamongan , soto betawi , soto jakarta 
Soto ayam adalah semacam sup ayam dengan isi soun, tauge, irisan telur ayam,
kol, kentang dan tomat. Soto ayam menggunakan bumbu kunyit sehingga kuah berwarna
kuning sehingga rasanya menjadi Enak pada kesempatan ini mari kita bahas tentang rahasia masakan
Soto ayam

Soto ayam bisa dimakan dengan nasi putih atau irisan lontong.

    1 ekor ayam utuh (bersihkan)
    200 gram kol
    200 gram tauge (rebus sebentar)
    4 buah kentang (rebus atau kukus, kupas, dan goreng)
    2 buah tomat
    50 gr soun (rendam dalam air panas)
    3 telur rebus
    2 liter air
    bawang goreng


 75 ml minyak sayur.
 3 lembar daun jeruk purut muda, buang tulang daunnya, iris halus
 20 buah cabai rawit merah, buang tangkainya.
 100 g cabai merah keriting.
 10 buah cabai rawit hijau.
 7 butir bawang merah.
 4 siung bawang putih.
 1/2 sdt terasi goreng.
 1 sdt garam.
 1 sdt gula merah sisir halus.

tahu campur from East Java

in East Java have a very distinctive cuisine and may be known everywhere that its main ingredient of this opportunity to know and let's discuss how to create and what are its ingredients


     350 grams of boiled beef tetelam, cut into pieces
     1 liter of broth (boiled water left tetelan)
     200 grams of boiled beef kikil, cut into pieces
     4 lime leaves, discard the bones leaves
     2 stalks lemongrass, crushed
     3 cm galangal, crushed
     2 bay leaves

lontong Kupang

for the following dishes are probably a lot we meet everywhere because these foods are very popular in society, especially in the town of Sidoarjo therefore on this occasion let us discuss one by one the secret of cooking rice cake in secret Kupang sidoarjo typical secrets of world cuisine


     600 ml of water
     250 grams of Kupang, which has been cleaned, it can be replaced without the leather shell of small blood

soto madura

at one of the islands in the Indonesian island of Madura which there exists a unique cuisine that is soto madura food is very famous in the land or through out the island and on this occasion let us discuss about the secret to cooking up in secret soto madura world cuisine

     500 gr beef brisket
     1 liter of water
     2 medium stalk broke, sliced
     2 stalks celery, node
     6 hard-boiled eggs
     1 tablespoon beef stock powder
     2 tsp salt / to taste
     1 tsp sugar / taste
     Vegetable oil for sauteing


     4 cm ginger
     3 cm turmeric
     7 red onions, sliced ​​and sauteed
     5 cloves garlic, sliced ​​and sauteed
     5 egg hazelnut

Soto Lamongan

if we go to East Java town of Lamongan we will see many sellers soup very much indeed from here from Soto Lamongan and on this occasion let us try to make soup dishes Lamongan in the secret world


     1 whole chicken (weight approximately 800 g)
     2 tablespoons cooking oil for sauteing
     One segment of ginger, crushed
     4 cm ginger, crushed
     3 cloves
     salt to taste

Spices that are:

     5 pieces of red onion
     4 cloves garlic
     1/2 teaspoon whole peppercorns
     1 teaspoon toasted coriander
     Toasted pecans 6 eggs
     2 cm turmeric.

Vegetables Brongkos Mojokerto

The opportunity today let's discuss about Vegetable Recipes Brongkos Mojokerto in world cuisines

     350 grams of beef brisket, cut into 1.5 x 1.5 cm
     100 grams of rice bean (Tolo beans), boiled until cooked
     300 gram chayote (Manisa), cut the box
     150 grma green beans, cut into 2 cm
     2 bay leaves
     2 kaffir lime leaves
     2 cm ginger, crushed
     1500 ml of coconut milk 1 1/2 coconut
     2 tablespoons salt
     6 1/2 teaspoon sugar
     2 tablespoons cooking oil

Typical recipes Dawet Grandul Ketan Blitar

The opportunity today let's discuss about the recipe Dawet Grandul Ketan Typical in world cuisines

Candil materials:

     100 gr glutinous rice flour
     1/2 tsp water whiting
     75 ml of water
     500 ml of water to boil
     100 grams of brown sugar
     1/2 tsp salt
     2 pandan leaves lbr
     2 tbsp rice flour dissolved in 2 tablespoons water, for thickening