lontong Kupang

for the following dishes are probably a lot we meet everywhere because these foods are very popular in society, especially in the town of Sidoarjo therefore on this occasion let us discuss one by one the secret of cooking rice cake in secret Kupang sidoarjo typical secrets of world cuisine


     600 ml of water
     250 grams of Kupang, which has been cleaned, it can be replaced without the leather shell of small blood

     1 teaspoon salt
     3 cloves garlic, chopped, fried
     6 pcs red chili sauce
     1 tsp sugar
     ½ tsp salt
     6 tablespoons petis
     1 teaspoon lemon juice
     3 pcs rice cake, cut into pieces
     1 recipe lentho
     3 tablespoons fried shallots

Making process:

     Kupang and is clean boiled until cooked, add salt. Set aside.
     Fried garlic puree, red chili, sugar, salt and paste on a plate dish, add lemon juice.
     Add 100 ml boiling broth Kupang.
     Insert slices of rice cake on it, and pieces lentho. Flush with Kupang and gravy.
     Add satay as a complement to shellfish ... Serve with a sprinkling of fried shallots.
by : secret recipes of the world