tahu campur from East Java

in East Java have a very distinctive cuisine and may be known everywhere that its main ingredient of this opportunity to know and let's discuss how to create and what are its ingredients


     350 grams of boiled beef tetelam, cut into pieces
     1 liter of broth (boiled water left tetelan)
     200 grams of boiled beef kikil, cut into pieces
     4 lime leaves, discard the bones leaves
     2 stalks lemongrass, crushed
     3 cm galangal, crushed
     2 bay leaves


     5 cloves garlic
     1 tablespoon coriander
     3 cm turmeric
     1 teaspoon pepper grain
     2 tsp salt

     2 tablespoons of shrimp paste
     100 grams of bean sprouts, pour boiling hot water
     100 grams of wet noodles, pour boiling hot water
     4 pieces out, cooking
     4 pieces of cassava cakes
     Leaf lettuce, chopped
     fried onions
     prawn crackers

How to Make

     Boil broth, tetelan, kikil, lime leaves, lemon grass, galangal, bay leaves, and spices until fragrant. Lift.
     Put 1 tablespoon shrimp paste on a plate, set the wet noodles, bean sprouts, tofu, cassava cakes, and leaf lettuce.
     Flush with meat sauce and sprinkle with fried onions served with prawn crackers.
by : secret recipes of the world