pastry Bowl

350 grams of rice flour is a good
250 grams of fermented cassava is cooked and tender, remove the fiber, puree
600 ml warm water
300 grams sugar
60 grams of wheat flour of low protein / moderate
2 teaspoons baking powder
red and green dye to taste (optional)

100 grams of coconut and a half old, peeled, grated, steamed with a pinch of salt

A. Mix the rice with fermented cassava flour and 200 ml of warm water. Stir by hand until smooth.
2. Add sugar a little as she knead by hand for 20 minutes until well blended.
3. Enter the flour and baking powder, Stir well.
4. Pour the remaining water, stirring until well blended. Rest the dough for 30 minutes.
5. Divide the dough into 2 parts. Sprinkle each with a dye and stir well.
6. Heat cucing / small bowl / cake pan in a steamer pot heat until hot mold completely.
7. Pour the batter into the bowl to the brim. Wrap the saucepan lid with a clean napkin. Close the boiler.
8. Steamed back over high heat for 30 minutes. Remove and let cool.
9. Release from the mold. Serve with grated coconut.

A. Make sure the steamer and mold in really hot conditions.
2. Coat the saucepan lid with a clean napkin, so that the hot water vapor is not directly fall into the batter.
3. Do not make the steamer lid during the cooking process because the dough will not expand if the maximum inlet air.
4. Best if use is made of ceramic molds. Plastic mold is less heat so that the cake is sometimes not expand